Streamiverse Features

Explore the cutting-edge features that make Streamiverse the ultimate platform for streamers

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Donation Widgets

Show donations from viewers around the world with ease

Customizable Alerts

Customizable Alerts

Set up alerts for donations, follows, and subscriptions. Customize the appearance and sound to match your brand

Instant Withdrawals

Instant Withdrawals

Instantly withdraw donations in any currency to your Streamiverse Wallet



Create interactive overlays that engage viewers with real-time data, such as recent donations, top supporters, and more



Use pre-built widgets for polls, in-stream stickers, and other interactive elements to keep your audience engaged

Multiple Payment Methods

Multiple Payment Methods

Set up your donation page to accept payments from over 20 methods, including credit cards, PayPal, Mastercard, Visa, PIX, and 80+ cryptocurrencies

Transparent Fees

Transparent Fees

Choose who covers the transaction fees—either the donor or the streamer. Enjoy lower fees compared to legacy platforms

Donation Preview Message Donation Preview Game

All-in-One Digital Wallet

Collect and use your donations and payments effortlessly in one place

Feature Phones

Real-Time Access

Access your funds instantly and use them as needed, whether for personal expenses or reinvestment into your streaming setup.

One-stop Solution

Use the Streamiverse digital wallet to collect all your donations in one place. No need for multiple accounts or manual tracking.

Issue Debit Card

Get a debit card linked to your wallet for easy spending. Use it anywhere that accepts card payments.

Innovative Monetization Tools

Unlock new revenue streams through digital assets and tokens

Money Tree

Explore various methods of monetization, such as selling digital assets, offering subscription services, and more.

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